Hi friends! Thank you all so much for your prayers over the past few weeks.
My surgery went well. My intestines were kinked together and pressing against my abdominal wall, but Dr. Dobson was able to fix the problem without complications — Praise the Lord!
I am currently home and recovering. I saw Dr. Dobson again this past week and he is hopeful that things will continue to improve. However, I am still extremely weak so prayers for strength, energy, and stamina would be greatly appreciated. I have therapy exercises that I am doing, and am now able to get in the pool so that is helpful. Also, I have a wonderful home health nurse visiting me weekly which is super helpful and encouraging, and I also receive palliative care services. I recently received a hospital bed from palliative which has helped me rest so much better at home. I am deeply grateful for all of these healthcare professionals who make my recovery easier, and who help to ease my pain. They are such a huge blessing to me and my family. The Lord has been so good to me and I’m thankful for the strength He gives me daily to press on!
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. It means so much to me. I am daily inspired by your calls, notes, and visits. I am still home bound and unable to be out and about but I love having phone calls and company for those who live nearby. Give me a call sometime or stop by for a visit. I would love to hear from you and know how you are doing. I am so thankful for all of you! Please let me know how I can pray for you as well!
I hope you all are enjoying the weekend and this warm weather! Summer is here! 😊