“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,I know that full well.” ~Psalm 139:14
Psalm 139:14 states that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. However, if we are honest, somedays I know that we don’t feel that way, or at least I do not. And that has been my sentiment as of late. Since my surgery, I have had issues with my weight and retaining fluid. One day my weight is up and another it is down. My hair has also not recovered from the trauma of all I have gone through and on certain days, “bad hair day” does not even begin to describe the state my hair is in. Even my lovely mother who is a hair-dresser has no clue what to do with it. I know I am in a hot mess on the days not even my mom can work miracles. Ha.
Also, there is the issue of “the bag.” I have an illeostomy bag due to my colon being removed, and do not worry, I will spare you most of the details. However, this bag causes disasters from time to time and it has caused a major upset to my clothes closet. A lot of my clothes do not work anymore because of this, or rather, they don’t look the same. The first day I got ready to go somewhere post-op and post hospital I had a meltdown in my closet and yelled out, “I have absolutely no clothes to wear!!” Many would think I was exaggerating but it was true. Well, mostly true! 😉
Although, once I calmed down, I realized that this just gives me an excuse to shop and what girl doesn’t like the thought of that. It also helps when your best friend’s family owns the cutest clothing boutiques (MimiBella – check them out. They are awesome), and who immediately drops what she is doing to help me find me some new clothes. That is a true friend right there. Love you, Sara!
Seriously though, I know that all women have days where we do not feel beautiful enough, and go through seasons where we feel nothing is right — which takes me back to Psalm 139:14. It is true, even when we do not “feel” like it, that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
There is nothing about our bodies or health that God has not created or does not understand. We are made in His glorious image, and because of that we are beautiful.
It is because of that truth, that I am able to get up every day and move forward with confidence even in the midst of major changes to my life physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In the midst of all my “crap,” God is here and He is giving me the strength to carry on. And dear sisters, He will give you the strength to do the same so let that be encouragement to you today.
Wow…this hit home for me my dear friend. Thank you from my heart straight to yours for being the vessel God is using in a mighty way. It takes boldness from God to step out in faith and speak the truth eloquently, and you did just that. So blessed by the message God is using through you. Love you sweet friend!
Thanks, Lisa! Love you!
Love that you are sharing your heart with everyone! Love You Lots!!!!!!
Thanks Mom! Love you!
Love your honesty and hearing about a woman’s struggles gives all of us hope. So often especially on FB all you hear and see if the shiny happy moments but most of us are dealing with so much more than we show to the world. Sharing our struggles is just a win win in so many ways. Love your bravery.
Thanks so much for your sweet words Judy! 🙂
Thank you for sharing about your struggles that so many of us can relate to! I can’t wait to see how the Lord continues to use to spread His truth!
Thanks, Casey! Love you!
I know you want your hair fixed a certain way but I can honestly say I have no idea how you wear your hair. When I visualize you I see a smile that lights up your face and my heart. You’re one of those people with a countenance that glows. I could never be a fashion consultant or critic cause I don’t notice what people wear ( and very seldom pay any attention to what I wear) but I’ve noticed that you are beautiful. I’d probably notice if you shaved your head but you’d still be beautiful.
Gayla just wanted to say that I’ve known Amelia her whole life, and she is beautiful inside and out and in so many ways. She’s a tiny little lady but fierce and courageous. Since she was a little curly headed, bright eyed child, any room she has been in is lively and bright because of her presence. Her struggles have been life-long but through it all, she and her family have praised and glorified God.
Thanks Kim. Love you!
Thanks for your sweet words, Gayla! Love you!
Thank you for your openness about your physical situation. I am forwarding this to a friend of mine who is trying to help her husband deal with all the issues around his newly created illeostomy and adjustments that need to be made. She is stressing and in pain because she feels he won’t let her help with the stresses he is having. She is young in her faith and struggling to see His plan in her life. Her husband is not inclined to seek help from God or the people around him. Thank you for your beauty filled witness. God bless you.
Thank you. Please tell your friend to contact me if she has any questions or just wants someone to talk to who can relate:)