HappyMonday, my friends!
One of my favorite verses in the Psalms is Psalm 37:4, which states, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Many think this means that God will give them what they personally want. However, what the verse really means is that when we seek the Lord and make Him our everything He will give us His desires. Although, if we are honest, that is not what we want to hear at times. We want God to give us what we want, at the time we want it. We want God to send us our future spouse now, to allow us to have a baby now, get the job that we want now, or to be healed of a sickness now. None of those examples are bad desires, and are God given ones, but where we so often miss the mark is when we put those desires before our desire for Jesus Christ. As I was reading this verse the other day I was convicted that I too often get wrapped up in what I want instead of sitting at the feet of Jesus and simply asking, “What do you want from me today Lord? Show me your desires.” It’s a choice we have to make daily. Are we going to delight in the Lord and seek His face because we love what he loves, or are we going to continue to dwell on what we want?
God wants the best for His children and delights in fulfilling our desires, but He wants us to trust Him with the details. When we do that, our desires will be His, and only then will we be content.
Who are you delighting in today? Yourself or Jesus? Spend some time with the Savior and ask, “What do you want Jesus?”
Love this verse! And a hard lesson for me to learn with this verse too!