Obedience. Obedience can be a scary and peaceful thing all at the same time. Over the last year God has taught me much, especially in the last several months. January 23, 2015 changed my life forever. That was the day I had my colon removed, the start of a six week hospital stay, and the scariest time of my life. It was truly a miracle from the Lord that I survived, but during this time I have been the most real with God that I have ever been.
God has been calling me for years to share my story of His amazing grace in my life as a writer and speaker. However, I hate speaking in public and fear it even though when I was in college my public speaking professor told me I had a gift and a story to be shared. Although, when I was done with that class I just knew my time of public speaking was over.
God has such a sense of humor, and I know my stubborn streak drives Him crazy. For the last several years I have worked for speakers and writers instead of being one. I just knew, and (wanted really badly) to think that my ministry was only behind the scenes in the industry. I believe God called me to the work I am in, and have loved every minute of it but there has always been that thought in the back of my mind — “God is wanting me to do more.” In the quiet time of my recovery, I’ve heard that still small voice in the back of my mind reminding me of this.
If I have learned one truth in this experience it is that life is too short not to be obedient to God’s calling.
Fast forward to the present, I am still very much in recovery mode, and physically not able to go back to work or start a speaking ministry yet. However, I want Jesus to know that I am willing.
What Jesus wants from us most is a willing heart for Him to mold into what He wants for His glory.
I want to offer my body as a living sacrifice to do whatever God sees fit for my life from this moment forward because any fear on my part is smaller than the power of God.
Just as he did for Moses, Abraham, and countless others in the Bible He can equip and enable me to do whatever He asks me to do. He will equip you as well, you just have to be willing to let Him lead your life. What is He asking you to do today? Is there an area in your life where you are resisting obedience to Him right now? I pray that you take some time to spend with Him and heed His wisdom and commands.
To read more posts in this series visit here.
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